Monday, September 1, 2014

Year 29

I didn't realize just how spread out my posts would be when I created this blog almost a year ago. I said year 29 was my year. It was definitely a year. It was full of happiness, heartache, love, learning, growing and so many more things. My relationship with a good man of almost two years came to a close and I left my job of 6 years as a 4th grade teacher and took on the role as a math instructional coach. I lost the most sweet, caring, loving grandmother, or I always described her...the ULTIMATE grandma, the best grandma anyone could ever ask for. 
 Some of my most favorite life long memories were in year 29 and I am forever grateful for all of the people who contributed to my life during that time. 

29+1 happens this month and although I have no idea what's in store, I'm looking forward to it. ❤️


  1. Great news, I am still staking you! Sorry to hear about your loss :(. I also lost my gram at 29 and still miss her all the time. Don't worry about crossing that bridge to 30 - so far my 30s have been fantastic! So jealous that you left the classroom. I need to get there.
