Sunday, August 11, 2013


I have thought a lot recently about what I'm afraid of. I hate to admit that the number of things that scare me actually scares me. I'm scared of change, stepping outside my comfort zone, spiders, grasshoppers, love, trust, failure, the dark, moving, myself, the unknown. The list seems endless.
I'm scared of so many things that I never try anything new. I'm a creature of habit.
 I get in a routine where I do the same thing every day. Risks are rarely taken. I play everything safe. I have been content with this for almost 29 years but I'm just about over it. I'm ready to try new things. New experiences.
Year 29 is going to be about ME.
 Stepping outside of my comfort zone.  Going after what I want.
Although I'm still a month's to 29.
Happiness, believing in my self and choices.

This Time Around

This isn't my first go round with a blog. In fact, it's my second. I blogged at MissRedRunner for a couple of years before taking a break. Almost a year has gone by since I posted anything there and though it would be easier to jump back on the blog train with MRR, I decided to start new. Start fresh. Here I am with This Time Around. If I was a betting woman, I would say my posts will be random in timing as well as content.
This Time Around is all about me.
My happiness.
My choices.
My thoughts.
My heart.
My life.